Orange Country Child Custody Attorney

I decided to practice family law because of my own experiences. While I was still a teenager, my parents were getting a divorce and fighting over custody of me. My mother was not a fit parent, and it was not in my best interests for me to be with her. She had lied to the police and to the court and claimed that my dad was an abusive parent. I felt passionate about helping my dad in any way I could, especially during this time. Though I was not an attorney, I drafted several documents that were used by my dad in his divorce case and in the custody fight over me. After this ordeal, my dad and I successfully won the custody battle over myself. I decided to dedicate my future career to becoming a family law attorney, so that I could help other families fight the most important fight of their lives and for the best interests of the children. I started to advocate for other families in some of their darkest hours. I am very proud to advocate my clients. We have developed fantastic strategies that we put into practice to obtain great advantages for our clients in divorce and custody proceedings. We strike a good balance between fighting and negotiating. Unlike some other firms, My Family Law does not aim for fights that would be expensive for our clients and give them little to no benefit in return. Instead, we are careful about what we fight over. We negotiate and settle for terms that are favorable for our clients when we can.

- James Sower


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Dedicated to achieving the best results for you and your family.

Why Choose James Sowers, as Your Child Custody Lawyer

The second problem in many child custody cases is people who seek to use the legal system as a tool to punish their ex-partners for the failure of the relationship. They use the system for stupid things and end up spending a lot of money to do it. This is money that would be better used for savings, investments, or for your children. The only people who really end up winning in such situations are the lawyers who represent them.

The third problem that often occurs is that the client’s emotions may become clouded, so he trusts his lawyer who convinces him that litigation is the answer where mediation would have solved the problem. It is often better to mediate than litigate. The latter should only be used when necessary, when mediation has failed. You should let a highly experienced attorney do the mediation on your behalf. Contact us today to explore your legal options in Orange County.

About Child Custody Attorney James Sowers

In all my years of practice as a child custody and family law attorney, I have worked in the counties of Los Angeles, San Diego, and Riverside in the state of California. During this time, I also served as a legal aid attorney, which helped me hone my understanding of family disputes and California legal provisions.

Working for the legal aid clinic, I have been part of numerous domestic abuse cases, which has played a very important role in my development as a family lawyer. I have witnessed numerous false accusations of domestic abuse to gain custody of children. This practice only affects the mental state of the child, as it may well end in a bitter and protracted court battle.

As a child custody attorney in Orange County, my focus is to serve my clients by keeping the best interests of the child as my primary focus. My talented team of lawyers also ensures that your interests are best served so that all interested parties can move forward with their lives amicably.

Orange County Child Custody Lawyers

One of the most intense family conflicts is that of Child Custody. There are not only various emotions at play, but also aggressive legal representations that can end in bitter disputes and disagreements. However, throughout a child custody proceeding, it is essential to remember the well-being of the child and keep his or her interests on the highest pedestal.

It is also very likely that the outcome of the case could seriously affect your life for several years, which is why you need expert legal representation when it comes to child custody matters. With an experienced family law attorney like James Sowers, you can rest assured that your interests and those of your child will be professionally represented in court and at the negotiating table.

James Sowers and his team of experienced Orange County child custody attorneys are well versed in custody laws in California and how they are awarded by the courts. James Sowers and her family dispute attorneys can take all the stress out of family dispute litigation with expert, caring, and proven legal representation for you in the court of law or at the negotiating table.

Summary of California Child Custody Law

When it comes to custody matters in California, the honorable judge has the final say regarding parental rights and visitation. Generally, the judge would approve the terms of custody if both parties reach an amicable agreement. Otherwise, both sides will present their case to the court, which will then be decided by the presiding judge. However, the final court decision primarily comes after both parties undergo a session with a mediator from Family Court Services.

There are two types of child custody recognized by California courts. They are:

Physical custody refers to the child’s place of residence or which parent the child lives with. This type of custody can be sole physical custody or joint physical custody.

Sole physical custody means that the child would live with one parent most of the time, with occasional visits from the other parent, such as during festivals or holidays.

Joint physical custody refers to equal physical possession of the child by both parents. The child can spend time with both parents (although it might mean spending time with one parent a little more than the other), which the courts also favor because of the positive impact it has on the child’s upbringing.

Legal custody is more complex than physical custody because it determines which parent will have the most say in critical child-rearing decisions, such as education and health care. Legal custody can also be divided into joint and sole legal custody.

Under joint legal custody, each parent has the right and responsibility to decide on the child’s upbringing and future decisions. Whether it is education, healthcare, or the well-being of the child, both parents have an equal voice.

Meanwhile, sole legal custody gives one parent the exclusive right and responsibility to make decisions about their child’s future. The parent with exclusive parental authority can decide on issues such as the child’s education, travel, healthcare, sports, residence, etc.

It is important to note here that joint legal custody does not mean that both parents must come to the same answer for every decision. However, to avoid legal disputes, it is advisable to consult and inform the other parent about crucial decisions for the child’s present and future. There may also be cases where the judge grants joint legal custody but not joint physical custody. Under such an order, both parents would have an equal say in their child’s important decisions, but the child would live with only one parent most of the time. The other parent would be allowed visits with their child.

Hire the Best Child Custody Lawyers in Orange County

When you become involved in an emotionally draining family dispute, you will want experienced litigators with a deep understanding of the law to represent your interests in the courtroom. Our firm is led by James Sowers, a caring but aggressive attorney with a complex knowledge of the law and solid experience with California law.

In our initial consultations, we strive to understand our clients’ situations firsthand, after which we craft a unique strategy that can improve your case in the courtroom and give you an advantage at the negotiating table.

Discuss your case with one of our attorneys in complete confidentiality, and we will do a free evaluation of your case with our best legal prudence. Call us at (714) 733-7065 or email for expert legal assistance.

How Can Our Orange County Child Custody Lawyers Help You?

As the leading group of child custody attorneys in Orange County, we have always understood that it is worth preserving harmony within families, not only for the parents but also for their children. When you hire James Sowers and her experienced team of attorneys, you gain legal expertise with in-depth knowledge of California family law and comprehensive experience of successful court representation and negotiations. We specialize in all areas of family law and can offer our legal assistance in matters of divorce, child custody, spousal support, property division, etc.

  • More than 50 years of combined experience
  • Individual consultations
  • Dedicated legal team
  • Negotiations Experts
  • Diversely Talented Team of Lawyers

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